Cancel and Refund Policy |
Poster : 관리자
Date : 18-09-12 14:23
Hit : 18158
Cancellation Policy
If the consumer want to cancel, We will charge about cancellation.
If cancel before 1days of check in day and the check in day We will charge about cancellation charge for 50% of 1days in busy season and slow season.
We will follow consumer dispute resolution of korea on the basis of consumer attributable reasons and business owner attributable reasons when you cancel.
If cancel before 2 days of check in day, no charge.
Refund Policy
when consumer damage occur,
Follow the result of consumer dispute settlement commission
According to the result, we will refund all the money.
소비자가 취소시, 취소위약금이 발생합니다.
체크인 하루전이나 당일 취소시,취소위약금은 50%입니다.
체크인 2일전은 취소위약금이 없습니다.
저희는 소비자귀책사유와 사업자귀책사유에 따라 발생한 취소관련분쟁은 비수기와 성수기기간동안 소비지분쟁해결기준을 준수합니다.
소비자피해발생시, 소비자분쟁조정위원회결과를 준수합니다.
Address: 65-1 Buk chang-dong, Jung-gu ,Seoul , korea. (zip code 100-080)
Tel number : 82- 2- 755- 8067
Fax number: 82- 2- 777- 6016
Homepage: www.daewoo-inn.com
E-mail : kbh5683@naver.com